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my story

heart leaves

Born of love.​


My primary mission is to effectively support & empower you wherever you are during your pregnancy, birth, or mothering experience, (or even with non-pregnancy health issues) using education and natural resources to promote confidence & wellness, whilst reducing the amount of toxins that go into our bodies, down our drains, and into our children's future world


Our Earth readily provides abundant natural resources to support our health and wellness, yet familiariy with these resources has declined dramatically

While we wouldn't be without our amazing medical advances,  as a Holistic Midwife, I believe that pharmaceuticals should be saved for treating more serious medical conditions


I believe that Mother nature has provided an abundance of natural ways to effectively support minor issues, & cosmetic skin needs, without having to resort to using drugs & artificial chemicals

My aim is to bring knowledge & education to reduce fear and mystery surrounding childbirth, and increase common use & understanding of effective natural resources. My sincere hope is that you introduce this approach, and way of life to a new generation

I invite you to be the Mother who cares naturally 

Knowing just how wonderfully nurturing it feels to be able support my family's health and wellness naturally, I was inspired to share my knowledge to empower other Mothers

I began to research essential oils and natural methods, taking qualifications and soaking up all the knowledge I could so that I could safely advise and treat women and babies under my care

Professional colleagues were initially sceptical, however now, after years of providing safe, effective treatments, I am pleased to tell you that I have even Consultant Obstetricians, as well as other Midwives referring to me for natural alternative treatments to support women and their babies

Whilst I love making bespoke treatments for women & children, I have come to realise that I can serve many more families, (& the environment) by sharing natural wellness resources on a wider scale

It is my sincere wish that this mini plant-based revolution inspires new mother's like you to have confidence in effective natural resources, and hope that you will pass on this knowledge to our future generations                      

Our  glorious natural world has always been a powerful motivator for me, but never more so than when I was pregnant, and a new Mum to my beautiful son James-Daniel

Like many newly pregnant women, I began to take a much keener interest in what was going into my body, onto my skin, and into my environment

Wanting to avoid drugs for common ailments, I carefully researched and developed safe, effective natural alternatives to use during my pregnancy and breastfeeding

Wishing to avoid lathering my son's beautiful skin in a long list of unknown chemicals, I created wonderful natural alternatives that truly benefits his skin without costing the Earth

Watching his little fingers picking up food from surfaces, and little lungs breathing in the air made me question what was sprayed onto my surfaces and into our environment in my cleaning products.


So I developed amazingly simple, but effective cleaning products using only natural ingredients - Happy knowing that what was going down the plughole wouldn't pollute his future world 

This is completely normal for him, he has little awareness of any other way. He comes to me if he's feeling poorly to request 'this essential oil', or 'that balm', and even makes his own potions and blends! (Proud Mama alert)

With Love, Paris x

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